Getting interesting and relevant content just got easier on LinkedIn

05, Oct. 2012

On October 2nd, LinkedIn introduced the ability to follow thought leaders, 150 of the most influential thought leaders on LinkedIn to be exact! Among the notable inclusions are world figures such as Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Caterina Fake, Craig Newmark, President Barack Obama, Governor Mitt Romney, and many more. To enhance the content quality of this section, there will be longer posts with videos, photos, and slideshares available. LinkedIn promises to update and expand the list of the thought leaders over the next few months. They are also allowing users to submit their requests for the list through the link Apply To Be An influencer.

If there is someone that has been on your personal list to follow, now is your chance to do so. Here is the list again: 150 of the most influential thought leaders on LinkedIn.